February 2009 - Feasts of the Lord, Prophets, and More Saints Added

Three of the Great Feasts of the Lord shine down from the top of the right wall; the Prophets are gradually added above the Altar, and other saints are restored to their former places on the walls.

Theophany (Baptism) and Transfiguration of the Lord, seen from the choir loft.
Theophany of the Lord (Jan. 6) -- the Holy Trinity is manifested by the Son's Baptism, the Father's voice, and the Holy Spirit's descent like a dove upon the Incarnate Son of God.
Transfiguration of the Lord (Aug. 6), as He reveals His Divine Glory to SS. Peter, James & John. Moses and Elijiah converse with Christ.
PASCHA (Easter) - the Destruction of Hades at the Glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
St. Basil the Great (Jan. 1), Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
The arch above the Altar, as the Five Major Prophets' icons begin to appear.
St. John Chrysostom (Nov. 13), the "Golden-Mouthed" Archbishop of Constantinople and the greatest preacher since the Holy Apostles!
Prophet Moses (Sep. 4), bearer of the Ten Commandments
St. Paraskeva (July 26), Martyr of Rome and Healer of the Blind
St. Helen (May 21), Finder of the True Cross & Mother of St. Constantine
St. Barbara (Dec. 4), Great Martyr of Heliopolis (in modern-day Lebanon), 4th century
Prophets Moses, Isaiah (May 9) & Jeremiah (May 1)